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The Great ‘Yes’ | An Absurd Christianity

This week reflections are a mix that either directly or indirectly offer up a vision of what the Good News of Christianity might mean in the aftermath of the Death of God.

Here we’ll be introduced to a message that transcends the theist/atheist divide, reveals the sacred as the affirmation of the secular, and offers us a salvation from salvation.

We will glimpse a type of absurd faith that finds the highest in the lowest, the lowest in the highest, death in life and life in death. A faith that finds peace in struggle, commitment in the heart of doubt and transcendence in the purely material.

This is an approach that will challenge both the traditional theist and the standard atheist in a vision that calls for a reformation of both.

If the church steeples traditional point towards the Absolute, then the churches of tomorrow will have steeples that point to the earth.