Pádraig Ó Tuama is a world renowned poet, musician and public theologian who works in the area of conflict mediation and group dialogue. While known for being team leader of Corrymeela Community, for his work in advocacy across the world, as the founder of Tenx9 and for his regular appearances on Krista Tippett’s “On Being,” he was also one of the key contributors to ikon and key people in the development of pyrotheology.
His latest book is the beautiful In the Shelter, and he has an album of music and poetry called Hymns to Swear by. Krista Tippett says of Pádraig, “[he] is an extraordinary person, whose influence extends quietly and gracefully across the world. His poetry bears these same qualities and brings him close. It is a gift to us all.
This song is from the album Hymns to Swear By. The words are taken from the book of Jeremiah. It is a beautiful reflection on the struggle of faith and how that struggle lies at the very heart of faith