The Alien films represent one of the few cinematic events that have truly captured the cultural imagination. Each film revolves around the exploits of a terrifying and unrelenting species: the Xenomorph. A species that manifests a destructive drive lacking any restraint or remorse.
While the early films give the impression that this horrifying creature originates from some distant planet, Prometheus offers us a glimpse into the origin of this creature that is much more disturbing.
In Prometheus we discover that this monster isn't some foreign agent from outer space, but the material manifestation of a foreign agent from inner space.
With Alien: Covenant dropping in May, I’d like to offer you a deep reading of Prometheus that gives a glimpse into the psychoanalytic concept of Death Drive and a robust theological understanding of Sin. Concepts that reveal what it means to be (in)human and help to ground a pyrotheological understanding of Salvation.
Times: 10am PST, 1pm EST, 5pm GMT
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