supplemental material
I’ve enclosed a link to an EP Jonny McEwan created during our Insurrection tour. The tour itself involved Jonny, Pádraig and myself going around the US with an event that mixed music, art and speaking to create an experience of Transformance Art. The EP includes material from the tour. I’ve also included a text of the benediction.
The Task is Ended
Pádraig Ó Tuama was an active participant in the ikon collective and wrote many poems, songs and benedictions for the Transformance Art events. The following is a beautiful benediction that plays on the closing words of Catholic liturgy, "Go in peace". This benediction captures something of the journey we've been on in Atheism for Lent, and offers a perfect way to mark the end. Or, more appropriately, a new beginning.
atheism for lent debrief
Here is an audio of the Atheism for Lent debrief we had.