
An Orestean Faith

William Hamilton (1924 – 2012) was, alongside Thomas Altizer, one of the foremost representatives of Radical Theology. Unlike Altizer, Hamilton had a more accessible style and is best known for co-editing the book Radical Theology and the Death of God, which was published in 1966, the same year that TIME released it’s famous ‘Is God Dead’ article.

I’ve included an ePub version of the whole book. But, for todays reflection, I would like you to read Sections I-V of Hamiltons ‘The Death of God Theologies Today’. This article not only offers a solid overview of Radical Theology, but offers some very pregnant ideas that I have attempted to develop in pyrotheology.

This is one of the harder reflections in Atheism for Lent, however I will be spending time breaking it down in the seminar at the end of the week. So, if you are new to Radical Theology, don’t worry too much about understanding everything, just blast through it.