Willing the Death of God
Thomas Altizer (1927 – 2018) was one of the most significant representatives of Radical Theology. Radical Theology represents one of the most innovative, provocative and fertile theological movements of the 20th century. While the ideas behind the movement had long been discussed within the academy, it burst onto the public stage in a dramatic way in the 1960’s.
While the movement exploded onto the public scene in a spectacular fashion, it disappeared almost as quickly. Since that time, Altizer was largely sidelined by the academy. Yet he continued to write provocative, difficult and innovative work right up to his death. The question remains as to whether he will have a mere footnote in the intellectual life of the 20th century, or eventually be hailed as one of its most prophetic and innovative children.
One of his most well known works was a collaborative work - with William Hamilton - called Radical Theology and the Death of God. I’ve included an ePub version of the whole book. But, for todays reflection, I would like you to read ‘America and the Future of Theology’. If you can’t download the book, I have also included a link to the article of the internet.